Policies and Procedures
At Tustin High School our students’ safety, and that of our staff, are paramount. We strive to provide a safe, healthy, supportive environment for everyone. To help create this, we ask that you read and follow guidelines established in the Student Handbook.
Tustin High School
Regular attendance is an important component of your child’s success in school. Parents hold a legal responsibility to compel their child to attend school regularly. Failure to do so may result in severe consequences with the law. To report an absence, please call (714) 730-7414 ext. 87175 by 12:00 am on the day of the student’s absence. This applies to an all-day absence or if the student is more than 30 minutes late to school. The Attendance Office must be notified each day when a student is absent. If a parent does not call the Attendance Office on the day of the absence, the student must bring a note to the Attendance Office on the day they return to school.
Excused absences
Absences are legally defined as “excused” or “unexcused.” A student’s absence shall be excused for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness (Education Code 48205)
2. Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer (Education Code 48205)
3. Medical, dental, optometrically, or chiropractic appointments (Education Code 48205)
4. Attendance at a funeral services for a member of the immediate family, which shall be limited to one day if the service is conducted in California or three days if the service is conducted out of state. (Education Code 48205)
a. Immediate family shall be defined as mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, spouse, son/son-in-law, daughter/daughter-in-law, brother, sister, or any relative living in the student’s immediate household (Education Code 45194, 48205)
5. Jury duty in the manner provided by law (Education Code 48205)
6. The illness or medical appointment by law (Education Code 48205)
7. Upon advance written request by the parent/guardian and the approval of the principal or designee, justifiable personal reasons including, but not limited to: (Education Code 48205)
a. Appearance in court
b. Attendance at a funeral service
c. Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion
d. Attendance at religious retreats not to exceed four hours per semester
e. Attendance at an employment conference
f. Attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization
g. A total of (5) school days per year in the student’s junior and senior year may be excused for college visits
8. Service as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Elections Code 12302 (Education Code 48205)
9. To spend time with his/her immediate family member who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in Education Code 49701, and has been called to duty for deployment to a combat zone or a combat support position or is on leave from or has immediately returned from such deployment
10. Participation in religious instruction or exercises in accordance with district policy (Education Code 46014)
a. In such instances, the student shall attend at least the minimum school day.
b. The student shall be excused for this purpose on no more than four hours per semester
11. For the purpose of attending the pupil’s naturalization ceremony to become a Unites States citizen.
After an Absence Procedure
When students who have been absent return to school, they must present a satisfactory explanation verifying the reason for the absence. Absences shall be verified by the student’s parent/guardian, other person having control of the minor, or the student if age 18 or older. (Education code 46012; 5 CCR 306)
The following methods may be used to verify student absences:
1. Written note, fax, or email listed in Aeries from parent/guardian or parent representative
2. Conversation, in person or by telephone, which may include voicemail, between verifying employee and the student’s parent/guardian or parent representative. The employee shall subsequently record the following:
a. Name of student
b. Name of parent/guardian or parent representative
c. Name of verifying employee
d. Date(s) of absence
e. Reason for absence
3. Visit to the student’s home by the verifying employee, or any other reasonable method which established the fact that the student was absent for the reasons stated. The employee shall document the verification and include the information specified in item #2 above.
4. Physician’s verification.
a. When excusing students for confidential medical services or verifying such appointments, district staff shall not ask the purpose of such appointments but may contact a medical office to confirm the time of appointment.
b. When a student has had 10 absences in the school year illness verified by methods listed in #1-3 above, any further absences for illness shall be verified by a physician.
• The office is open daily from 7:30 AM – 3:30 daily. Students returning after an absence should deliver a note by 8:15 AM to avoid being tardy to class. Students who arrive after 8:15 AM risk being tardy to class.
• Students are expected to make up any work or tests missed during their absence. The student’s teachers will decide the scope and time frame of the make-up work within a reasonable amount of time.
Irregular Attendance
Irregular attendance is one of the major constraints in maintaining a quality educational program for students. There is no more important variable than time spent on task in the classroom under the guidance of a professional educator. Attendance is taken every day in every classroom and students are required to be on time.
Improving student attendance and reducing the dropout rate is a District priority. Pursuant to Educational Code 48200, every child from the age of 6 to 18 in the District is required to attend school regularly unless otherwise provided by law in order to make a successful transition to the next grade level and to graduate with a high school diploma. All enrolled students, regardless of age, will be held to the same District school attendance rules. The Tustin Unified School District Board of Education recognizes that a vigilant supervision of attendance to improve attendance rates and graduation rates and to reduce truancy and dropout rates is vital to the learning and achievement of all children. Alternative Education follows a different calendar from the Comprehensive High Schools, and the following policies will be tailored to fit the alternative situation.
Definitions of Irregular Attendance (Education Code 48260)
Unexcused Absence
Absent with permission due to personal reasons. Examples of unexcused absences include vacation, oversleeping, car trouble, driver test, out-of-town visitors, weddings, missed bus, personal/business reasons, out of gas, and traffic citations.
Students who are truant for an entire or partial day or who arrive at school 30 minutes late without a valid excuse are deemed “truant” by the State of California and may be assigned detention or Saturday school. Students who are truant three or more times will be subject to consequences which include parent conference, placement on an attendance contract, social probation, and referral to SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) at Tustin Police Department, along with a mandatory meeting with the District Attorney.
Unexcused absences include court appearance, employment conference, personal reasons, and family vacations. The pupil’s absence must be requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal/designee for the unexcused absence to not be considered as a truant absence.
Students who do not attend school regularly, are absent from class without permission, leave campus illegally or are tardy without an acceptable excuse are subject to disciplinary action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, attendance contracts, detentions, on-campus community service, a parent teacher conference, referral to the Student Attendance Review Board, or referral to the District Attorney if attendance problems persist.
Tardy Truant
A student who is tardy or absent for greater than 30-minute period during the school day is considered tardy truant.
A student is considered tardy if not in his or her seat when the bell rings at the beginning of the school day and for each period thereafter. Students who are tardy without a valid excuse are subject to disciplinary action. Tardies will be counted weekly and are subject to disciplinary action. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, detention, community service, a parent-teacher conference, placement on an attendance contract, Saturday school, social probation, referral to the Student Attendance Review Board, and/or referral to the District Attorney if the problem persists.
Unexcused Absence/Truancy Procedures
The Tustin Unified School District utilizes the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) process to address student attendance. The system below is utilized to notify parents/guardians of students who are excessively absent or truant. Prior to referring a student and/or family to a SARB hearing, a counselor will meet with the student and make parent contact as an intervention to address the student’s attendance issue. If a student reaches the number of unexcused absences/truancy/tardies listed below for reasons other than excused absence(s)/tardy, the following action will be taken:
· Three truancies/unexcused absences/tardy truants (30 minutes or more)
o Student is identified as a truant per Education Code 48260
o School site will send Truant letter 1 to the student’s parent/guardian
o Student may be assigned Saturday school(s)
o Student will be referred to a counselor
· Six truancies/unexcused absences/tardy truants (30 minutes or more)
o Student is identified as a habitual truant
o School site sends Truant letter 2 to the student’s parent/guardian
o Student may be assigned to Saturday school(s)
o School site will invite parents to a Student Attendance Review Team (SART). Students will be placed on an attendance contract.
o District Office send student and parent an invitation to Parent/District Attorney (DA) meeting
· Ten truancies/unexcused absences/tardy truants (30 minutes or more)
o School site submits a Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) packet to the District SARB Coordinator
o District SARB Coordinator reviews the packet and determines eligibility for a SARB hearing
Students who fail to correct the problem and continue to have truancies or unexcused absences will be referred to a SARB hearing. SARB hearings are held at the Tustin Police Department and may consist of representatives from the Orange County Social Services Agency, Tustin Police Department, Irvine Police Department, Orange County Sheriff Department, Orange County Probation Department, community agencies, and school site and District representatives.
As a result of the SARB hearing, the District may choose to file with the Orange County District Attorney or Probation Department against the student, the parent/guardian, or both.
PERIOD ABSENCES: Individual unexcused, truant, or tardy truant period absences accumulated throughout the school day.
· 1-5 Period Truancies
o Parents/guardians will be notified of truancies by the automated messaging system.
o Detention(s) or Saturday School will be assigned.
· 6-10 Period Truancies
o Parents/guardians will be notified of truancies by the automated messaging system.
o Letter will be sent to parents from the school site notifying them of truancies.
o Detention or Saturday School(s) will be assigned.
o Students will be referred to the counselor to address attendance issues and parents will be notified.
· 11-15 Period Truancies
o Parents/guardians will be notified of truancies by the automated messaging system.
o Detention or Saturday School(s) will be assigned.
o School site administrator contacts the parent/guardian via phone to discuss the absences and/or truancies and invites the parent to attend school with the student to escort the student to class.
o Students will be placed on an attendance contract.
· 16-20 Period Truancies
o Parents/guardians will be notified of truancies by the automated messaging system.
o Letter will be sent to the parent/guardian from the District Office/Student Services inviting the parent to meet with the Orange County District Attorney-Truancy Unit as an intervention to correct the behavior.
Any student who continues to have multiple period truancies beyond 20 may be referred to a SARB hearing for remediation.
UNEXCUSED TARDY PROCEDURES (per period, per semester)
A student who is not in their seat when the tardy bell rings is considered tardy. After 30 minutes, a student is considered tardy truant and must check in at the Attendance office and receive a tardy slip before going to class. NOTE: Tardies are only excused due to an illness or medical appointment.
It is a reasonable expectation that in order for learning to place, students must arrive to class on time. Students who continually do not meet this expectation are considered to be in defiance of authority. To help ensure that students arrive to all classes punctually, the following procedures have been established. These procedures are for unexcused tardies and directly involve the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administration. Tardies are recorded every day, in every class period.
· Teacher will:
o Notify students of tardy.
o Record tardy in the student information system.
o Contact parent/guardian via phone or email regarding the fifth tardy.
· Administrative Office:
o Assign detention(s) or Saturday School to students with multiple tardies in a week.
o May place students on an attendance contract.
o May refer the student to the School Attendance Review Team (SART) as an intervention to address the attendance concern.
Students who continue to have tardies may be referred to a meeting with the Orange County District Attorney as an intervention step. If there are further tardies, a student may be referred to a SARB hearing for remediation.
Early Dismissal
The parent will need to come to the school office to sign the student out or send a written note/email from the email address listed on Aeries. If the parent cannot pick up the student, they will need to notify the office in writing of who will be picking up their child and at what time. Your child will not be released to an adult that is not on the emergency card. Parents may FAX the request for early dismissal to (714) 838-6566. Students must check out at the Attendance Office any time prior to leaving the campus. Phone calls are not accepted. The student will be called out of class when the parent or authorized adult comes to the office. A valid ID will be required in order to withdraw a student early. Failure to check out prior to leaving will result in truancy. This cannot be cleared with a note after the fact.
Closed Campus
All Tustin Unified School District campuses are closed. Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school day, at lunch or during snack period unless they have written authorization from the school administration. Students leaving campus without such authorization are subject to disciplinary action. All students leaving campus during school hours must leave through a supervised gate.
Freshman, Sophomore, and Juniors must apply for an off-campus pass if their academic or athletic schedules necessitate it. Students who are granted administrative permission with parent/guardian consent will have “off campus” stickers issued. Students who have off-campus passes will not be allowed to exit campus without their current Tustin High School ID card.
Seniors may apply for a lunch pass and/or an off-campus pass. This privilege may be revoked at any time throughout the school year. Lunch passes are reserved for seniors only.
Open Periods
Students may not remain on campus after their last scheduled period for the day unless they report to the library or are attending a previously scheduled meeting with Tustin High School Staff. Students found on campus not meeting the criteria and/or students not meeting acceptable behavior expectations, for example disrupting class while in session, will be asked to leave campus. If the behavior becomes habitual, additional disciplinary consequences may be implemented. Students with open periods in the middle of their schedule must report to the Library.
Communication Systems
Tustin High School will inform parents of upcoming events and activities through our telephone communication system and website. The communication system usually delivers phone calls and emails in the evening hours from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. To ensure correct contact information, please update parent phone number (primary and work) in addition to email addresses on Aeries through the parent portal. The parent portal also allows for parents to view their student’s over all grades and individual assignments/project/test scores for each class.
The office does not make deliveries to students once the school day has begun in order to protect the integrity of the learning environment. Staff will not deliver any of the items to students during the school day including items that are related to instructional programs (homework, school supplies, P.E. clothes, instruments, lunches). The office staff will not accept deliveries of items not related to the instructional program such as flower, gifts, balloons, etc. In addition, no outside food delivery services (Uber Eats or Grub Hub) will be allowed at the main office or at any other locations on campus.
Students are subject to disciplinary action for misbehavior. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to counseling, conference with teachers and administrators, revocation of privileges, detention, class suspension, on campus suspension, Alternative to Suspension (ATS), suspension from school, and/or recommendation for expulsion. The consequences include but are not limited to:
• Revocation of Privileges: Privileges include off campus passes, lunch passes, athletic and extracurricular activities, assemblies, dances, and participation in the Teacher’s Aide program.
• Detention: Detention is one step in a progressive discipline program and must be served at the next opportunity after it is assigned. Detention takes place either on Tuesdays from 3:25 PM or on Late Start Wednesdays from 8:45 -9:45 AM. Students who do not attend detention are at risk of having privileges revoked.
• Saturday School (SS): Saturday School will be held monthly from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Students who receive Saturday School are required to attend on the Saturday assigned. Students who do not attend will have privileges revoked.
• On-Campus Suspension (OCS): Students are assigned OCS for disciplinary reasons up to two (2) days per incident.
• Alternative to Suspension (ATS): The removal of a student from school for a period of time to a District operated classroom for students who violate Education Code §48900. The students are under the supervision of credentialed teachers and counselors who will present a program that offers a proactive approach to instilling the skills, habits and behaviors necessary to be successful in school and life. Students who successfully complete the program will not reflect a suspension from school on their attendance record.
• Suspension: The removal of a student from school for a period of time determined by the administration. During the time the student is suspended from school he/she is not allowed to be on any school campus or participate in any school activity.
• Expulsion: If expelled, a student may not attend any school in the Tustin Unified School District up to one calendar year, as determined by the Board of Education.
The Tustin Unified School District is dedicated to providing an educational program for all students that is safe, secure, and free from violence. Every student needs to attend school punctually and regularly, conform to the regulations of the school, and obey all the directions of the teacher and others in authority. Students who do not exercise the required self-control shall be subject to intervention and/or disciplinary action. The district encourages and solicits the cooperation of parents in regulating the conduct of their student. The following behaviors are unacceptable on school grounds, in the community during the coming to or going from school, during the lunch period on or off campus, or any school-related activities.
Students may be suspended and/or expelled for any or all of the following:
• EC 48900 (a)(1): Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person
• EC 48900 (b):Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil has obtained from a certificated school employee written permission to possess the item, which is concurred in writing by the principal/designee
• EC48900 (c): Unlawfully possessing, using, selling, or otherwise furnishing, or is under the influence of any controlled substance, and alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind
• 48900 (d): Unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either selling, delivering, or otherwise furnishing to any person another liquid, substance or material and representing the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant
• 48900 (e): Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion
• 48900 (f): Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or private property
• 48900 (g): Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property
• 48900 (h): Possessing or using tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff chew packets, and e-cigarettes
• 48900 (i): Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity
• 48900 (j): Having unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia
• 48900 (k): Disruption of school activities or willfully defying the valid authority of school personnel
• 48900 (l): Knowingly receiving stolen school property of private property
• 48900 (m): Possession of an imitation firearm
• 48900 (n): Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing sexual battery
• 48900 (o):Harassing, threatening, or intimidating a student who is a witness or complaining witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that student from being a witness or retaliating against that student or both
• 48900.2: Making unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact of the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
• 48900.4: Engaging in harassment, threats, or intimidation directed against a pupil or group of pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonable expected effect or materially disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of that pupil or group of pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment (grades 4-12)
Mandatory Expulsion Policy
Students who commit any of the following acts at school or at a school activity off school grounds shall be recommended for expulsion from the Tustin Unified School District [Education Code 48915 (a)(c)]:
• Causing serious physical injury
• Possession of a knife or any other dangerous object
• Possessing, selling, or furnishing any firearm,
• Robbery or extortion
• Assault or battery
• Brandishing a knife at another person
• Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or battery
• Unlawfully selling a controlled substance
Education Code 48915 (b) states that students may be recommended for expulsion for repeated offenses when:
1. Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct OR
2. Due to the nature of the act, the presence of a pupil causes a continuing danger to physical safety of the pupil or others.
Drug and Alcohol Violation Policy
Students who possess, use, or are under the influence of any controlled substance including drugs, alcohol, or an intoxicant of any kind will be subject to consequences. Upon reasonable suspicion students will be searched and/or administered a breathalyzer test. Students will be administered a breathalyzer test upon entry to a school dance.
Consequences for possession, use, or under the influence of a controlled substance or intoxicant, include a minimum of a 2 day suspension or ATS classroom with a maximum of a 5 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion from the schools within Tustin Unified School District. Students will also be referred to an intervention program aiming to change behavior such as, Everfi, (an online class), Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Education (JADE) or other substance abuse programs that are deemed appropriate.
Conduct at School Activities
Students and their guests present at any extracurricular school activity on campus or at another location are under the jurisdiction of school rules and personnel; this also includes but is not limited to travelling to or from school activities. ID cards must be carried at all school related activities. Guests of students will not be admitted to Tustin activities without valid identification.
Academic Integrity Policy
Ethical conduct and moral behavior are qualities which are promoted, modeled and celebrated at Tustin High School. It is our hope that the Academic Integrity Policy will encourage students to seek honest and appropriate ways to achieve their educational goals. The goal of the Academic Integrity Policy is to encourage self-confidence, personal integrity, and respect for the rights of others. Because any cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or unauthorized collaboration is subject to serious consequences, all stakeholders share the responsibility of understanding, accepting, accepting, and enforcing the THS Academic Integrity Policy.
Types of academic dishonesty:
• Plagiarism: Intentionally using another person’s words or ideas and representing them as one’s own. Copying verbatim from a source without giving credit to the author by use of a footnote or clearly stating it within the test. This includes from the internet.
• Copying: Using an authorized “crib/cheat” during a test, using information from another person’s paper during a test, or copying daily work from another person.
• Fabrication: Intentionally using falsified or invented data to make one’s point.
• Theft: Stealing of tests or using a stolen test.
• Sharing: If a student knowingly does some other person’s work or allows someone to copy his/her work, penalties shall apply to both students.
Violations recorded from all classes and continued violations in a particular class will result in escalation of consequences.
· First Offense: The student receives an F for the assignment, test, or quiz. No make-up work is offered. Parents are notified by the teacher. An administrator addresses and records the incident and detention is assigned.
· Second Offense: The student receives an F for the assignment, test, or quiz. No make-up work is offered. Administrator/parent/student conference. Possible removal from Honors or Advanced Placement classes. Student is removed from any leadership positions for the remainder of the year. Student is assigned a Saturday school.
· Third Offense: Student is withdrawn from the course where the last offense occurred and receives and F grade for the semester. Administrator/parent/student/counselor conference. Suspension from one (1) to five (5) days.
*Policy subject to include interventions and consequences based on offense.
Dress Code
Tustin Unified School District has determined policy and appropriate standards for student dress.
Student dress codes are established to:
• Promote learning
• Promote a productive safe instructional environment
• Demonstrate a positive direction away from gangs, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
• Promote proper school etiquette, cultural awareness, and respect gender
The dress code is in effect during school hours, at extracurricular activities, with possible exceptions for school special school related events. With support and consultation from Tustin Police Department, THS staff will constantly review changes in the attire and make the appropriate adjustments throughout the year. In the case of no available loaners or P.E. clothes, parents may be called to bring a change of clothes or to take their child home to change clothes.
The following dress standard will be enforced:
• Shirts should be free from having spaghetti straps, bare shoulders, tube tops, or shirts with less than one-inch straps
• Shirts will need to be fully covered in the back, and are not to be considered a halter top, swimwear top, and not be “underwear style” or see-through.
• Shirts must always cover the mid-drift area and undergarments may not show.
• Shirts may not be longer than your fingertips with arms extended downward. Longer shirts must be tucked in.
• Pants and shorts must be fitted and worn at the waist with no exposed undergarments. Pants/shorts may not exceed more than two sizes of the student’s actual size.
• Pants with holes, slits, or splits in pants where undergarments or intimate areas are exposed are not permitted.
• Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be at least mid-thigh length with an inseam of at least 6 inches for shorts and a length of at least 15 inches for skirts.
• Belts should not be excessively long, untied, or dangling.
Clothing, hats, apparel, and jewelry shall be free of writing, picture, or any other insignia that is crude, vulgar, profane, demeaning, sexually suggestive, or which advocates or promotes, racial, ethnic, religious, sexual prejudice or strife, or which pertains to the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
• No sex/sexual comments/innuendoes
• No drugs or references to drugs (blunt, 13, hemp, marijuana leaf, 4:20, etc.)
• No tobacco products names or trademarks
• No liquor products or bar names or trademark/logos
• No depicting a person engaged in illegal activities (tagging, weapons, etc.)
• No head covering indoors, including sweatshirt hoods and hats
• Footwear which is safe for school activities must always be worn.
Parents are encouraged to ensure their student’s attire is in compliance with the dress code at Tustin High School. Parents may call the school at any time for clarification prior to purchase of school attire. If a student is in violation of the dress code, they will be asked to change into their P.E. clothes or loaners for the remainder of the day. The confiscated clothing will be returned to the student at the end of the day. Repeat violators will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Violations of the school dress code will be addressed as follows:
• First Offense: Warning, change into P.E. or loaner clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
• Second Offense: Referral, detention, change into P.E. clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
• Third Offense: Referral, detention, change into P.E. or loaner clothes, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to parent, parents will be informed of ramifications of fourth offense.
• Fourth Offense: Referral, Saturday School, inappropriate clothes will be confiscated and returned to parent; parents will be informed of ramifications of fifth offense.
• Fifth Offense: ATS
Work Permit Requirements
All students under 18 years old must have a work permit on file with an employer during the term of employment. The requirements for obtaining a work permit are as follows:
• Demonstrate and maintain 2.0 GPA (C Average)
• Satisfactory attendance
Program Compliance and Complaint Procedures
You may file a complaint if you believe that you or any student has experienced harassment (sexual or other) or discrimination (ethic group, sex, age, color, sexual orientation and physical or mental disability), or if the program is noncompliant. TUSD encourages complainants to file their complaints with the school or District. However, complainants are not prohibited from submitting their complaint directly to the governmental agencies, which are charged with enforcing these rules.
Sexual Harassment
TUSD and THS are committed to a work and educational environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each student has the right to learn in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal educational opportunity and is free from discriminatory practices. Sexual harassment is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and California Education Code Sections 210 through 214, inclusive.
Therefore, the district strongly condemns, opposes, and prohibits sexual harassment of individuals, whether verbal, physical, or environmental, by anyone. Any student or employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion or termination. The Title IX complaint manager for Tustin High School is Rick McKinley, Assistant Principal, Front Office 714-730-7414 ext 87152.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advance, questions for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature, which occurs under any one of the following circumstances:
• Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of an individual’s status
• Submission or rejection of any form of sexual conduct become basis for employment or educational decisions: including, but not limited to grades, honors, benefits, services programs, activities, or assignments
• Involves verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature, which unreasonably interferes with a work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include (but are not limited to):
• Making unsolicited written, verbal, physical and/or visual contact with sexual overtones
• Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome
• Making reprisals, threats, or implied threats of reprisal following a negative response
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices include, but not limited to, phones, laptops, tablets, iPads, iPods, ear buds and headphones. Students may have electronic devices on campus; however, the use of these devices may never jeopardize the safety of the students or disrupt the learning environment.
Students may only use electronic devices with the permission of a staff member. If a student is found using an electronic device without permission or the device disrupts school activities in any way, the device can be confiscated, parent will be contacted, and further consequences may be implemented.
Social media posts that degrade teachers or students are in violation of Ed-Code. Sites or posts such as these will be investigated and students who are found to have posted such comments may be suspended or recommended for expulsion. If you have questions or need clarification, please speak to an administrator at your earliest convenience.
California Code, Education Code - EDC § 51512
· The Legislature finds that the use by any person, including a pupil, of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom of the elementary and secondary schools without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal of the school given to promote an educational purpose disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline in the elementary and secondary schools, and such use is prohibited. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
· Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
· This section shall not be construed as affecting the powers, rights, and liabilities arising from the use of electronic listening or recording devices as provided for by any other provision of law.
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. All personal or school issued devices must be stored and/or locked properly in the appropriate and designated areas. The use of camera phones or electronic devices with the ability to take pictures or record sounds is strictly forbidden in private areas such as locker rooms, washrooms, dressing areas, classrooms, and offices at any time. Such use may also be in violation of the California Penal Code. Photographic or audio/visual recordings are acceptable only with the permission and guidance of a TSH faculty or staff member. Recording a video or taking a picture without the specific permission of the subject may result in suspension and/or expulsion. The use of electronic devices to solicit illegal substances or to instigate violence may result in transfer or expulsion.
Consequences for violating the cell phone policy:
A cell phone that disrupts class, an assembly, or other school activity during the regular school day will result in the following consequences:
• First Offense: Electronic device confiscated, turned into discipline office, warning issued, and parent contacted. Device returned to student at the end of the school day.
• Second Offense: Electronic device confiscated, turned into discipline office, 1-hour detention issued, and parent contacted. Device returned to parent at the end of the school day
• Third Offense: Electronic device confiscated, turned into discipline office, Saturday school issued, and parent contacted. Device returned to parent at the end of the school day.
• Fourth Offense: Electronic device confiscated, turned into discipline office, possible on-campus suspension issued, and parent contacted. Device returned to parent at the end of the school day.
• Fifth Offense: Electronic device confiscated, turned into discipline office, 1 day at ATS, and parent meeting. Device returned to parent at the end of the school day.
NOTE: Individual teachers may allow cell phone/ electronic device use in their classroom for related study or research. If a student violates the teacher’s specific instruction about use, consequences will be assigned.
Personal Items
Any personal items (money, skateboards, bikes, backpacks, wallets, purses) brought on to campus are not the responsibility of the school. If personal items are believed to be stolen on campus, a report can be filed with the Tustin Police Department.
Electronic Devices and Confiscated Items
Any item that disrupts school activities or is found during a routine search may be confiscated and returned only to a parent. Tustin High School is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen electronic devices, including cell phones. Such items will be donated to charity at the end of confiscated semester.
Vending, peddling and/or solicitation of merchandise, food, or services are prohibited on school grounds. Sales of drugs/alcohol will result in further disciplinary action; see Suspensions or Expulsions for more details.
Tustin Unified School District Board Policy (5131.2) prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying.
Any aggressive behavior that is intentional repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying can take many forms (both direct and indirect), such as hitting or punching, teasing or name-calling, intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and sending or posting insulting messages or pictures by cell phone or online.
Cyber Bullying
The use of Modern Communication Technologies (including but not limited to email, text messaging, instant messaging, chat rooms, blogs, websites, social networking sites, cell phones, tablets, computers and other forms of technology) to intentionally embarrass, humiliate, threaten or intimidate an individual or group in an attempt to gain power or control.
How YOU should respond to bullying behavior:
1. Report any instances of suspected bullying involving you or a fellow student to a teacher, counselor, or school administrator as soon as possible.
2. If you witness bullying behavior, intervene (if it is safe to do so) or help to stop the behavior as soon as it occurs. Peer to peer early intervention is proven to be effective in reducing bullying.
Dr. Olweus “Test” for Bullying Behavior:
1. Specific type of aggression
a. Verbal
b. Physical
c. Psychological
2. Behavior is intended to harm or disturb
3. Carried out repeatedly and over time
4. Imbalance of power
a. Physical
b. Psychological
Identification Cards/Hall Pass Policy
Students must be in possession of a current THS issued ID while on campus. THS ID cards must be presented to enter and exit campus during school hours. IDs are issued by the school and are property of the school; students who lose or damage their ID must purchase a new one for $5.00. While not in a classroom for any reason, students must be able to present ID along with permission to be out of class. Students without a pass will be escorted back to class and will potentially receive a consequence. Students must present their ID cards whenever they use their student number, such as in the library, the student store, or in the lunch and snack lines. Students must present their ID cards upon entering and exiting the campus.
Medication at School
When it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, a signed form from a physician must be presented to the office by the parent. Forms are available in the Health Office. All medication, whether prescription or over the counter, will be kept in and dispensed through the Health Office. Any student with medicine or prescription drugs of any kind on campus without permission will have the medication confiscated and may be subject to disciplinary action.
For student safety, wheeled modes of transportation (including but not limited to bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, mopeds, and motorcycles) are not to be found, used, or secured on the inner campus. This means next to classrooms, buildings, halls, adjacent fences, gates, posts, trees, etc. Skateboards are particularly dangerous to students and may damage property. Students who ride a skateboard to school must lock it in the appropriate skateboard racks located outside the front office-skateboards may not be carried on campus. THS is not responsible for items lost or stolen while stored in a classroom or the office. Any student riding a skateboard or other wheeled modes of transportation on campus will have it confiscated. Students who ride a bike to school must wear approved bicycle helmets. It’s the law! It is the student’s responsibility to provide, AND USE, a secure locking device while bikes are on campus.
Bikes should only be parked in the bike corral near the library and should not be left unattended after school hours. All bicycles should be licensed with the Tustin Police Department. To do so, call 714-573-3200.
THS Parking Lot
Students are not permitted to be dropped off or picked up in the staff parking lot. Parents who drive students to school in the morning will drop students off at the bus benches toward the back-parking lot so as not to impede the flow of traffic. Please do not stop and drop off your students at the parking lot entrance/exit by the staff area. In the afternoon, parents who pick up students are directed to park in empty spaces by the bus bench area. Cars for pick-up will not be allowed to stop or park at the entrance/exit ways or in the staff lot. Visitor cards should be parked in the visitor’s section. It is illegal (and unsafe) to stop on El Camino Real at any time. Please do not drop off students on El Camino Real.
Student Parking
Students are not to park their cars in the staff parking area located near the office. Unauthorized cars will be towed at the owner’s expense. Only Junior and Senior students may use the student lot.
• All students driving cars or motorcycles to school must have a current Tustin High School parking permit.
• Students who drive recklessly may lose parking privileges.
• Cars without a parking tag are subject to towing.
• Parking Permit Requests are obtained at the Student Store.
• Submit forms to the Student Store with your Student ID, valid driver’s license, and proof of insurance.
• Permits can be purchased at the Student Store for $50 (or $40 with an ASB card).
• Improperly parked cars are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Bus Conduct
Students are held accountable for the behavior while on a bus for any reason. Students in violation of the school rules and regulations while on the bus will be assigned a consequence and may have their bus privileges revoked.
Guidelines for Student Fees, Donations, and Fundraising
The California Constitution mandates that public education be provided to students free of charge, unless a charge is specifically authorized by law for a particular program or activity. This constitutional right of free access encompasses all educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and regardless of whether credit is awarded for the educational activity. The right of free access also prohibits mandated purchases of materials, supplies, equipment or uniform associated with the activity, as well as the payment of security deposits for access, participation, materials or equipment. Finally, a process that allows for a waiver process for an otherwise mandatory fee, charge or deposit does not render it constitutionally permissible.
As with donations, school districts, schools, programs and classes can and do engage in fundraising activities and programs, and this practice is also permissible as long as the raising of funds I voluntary. A student who is asked to but does not raise funds may not be denied participation in an educational activity. A requirement to raise funds in order to participate, even if there is no mandated amount to be raised, is the same as requiring a fee.
More detailed information can be found on the school and district websites.
(Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).
The Tustin Unified School District does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, medical condition, pregnancy and related conditions, retaliation, or political beliefs; the perception of one or more of such characteristics’ or association with a person or group with one of more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. A copy of the District’s nondiscrimination policy is available from the Tustin Unified School District Office.
The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination at Tustin High School to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination policies:
Rick McKinley- Front Office
Assistant Principal
Administration Office
(714) 730-7414 Ext 87152
Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying or to who such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.